Staying connected

Staying connected after leaving care

Reaching the age of 18 should be a celebration, a rite of passage as you transition to adulthood whilst still needing the safety net of your family – think back to when you were that age.

For care leavers this time can be anything but a celebration. Turning 18 changes their status meaning they leave the care system and usually have to move on from wherever they were living. Break wanted to give care experienced young people the best opportunities as they enter adulthood and set up the Moving On Team to provide life long support to young people leaving Break’s care.

Staying close, staying connected

When the opportunity came to grow this offer to all young people leaving residential care at 18, Break jumped at the opportunity and in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council, Norfolk County Council and Peterborough City Council, funded by the DfE Innovation Fund, we have been delivering a pioneering support service for care leavers, Staying Close, Staying Connected.

The project was designed with young people to support a care leaver as they move into adulthood in all aspects of their lives. Break work alongside care leavers, providing good quality shared housing across the region.

We help create confidence through our relationships with young people and by providing a menu of support including life skills, mentors, participation activities, tenancy support and work experience opportunities.

A brighter tomorrow

Together we are seeing the young people change and grow as they manage their own tenancies, build new friendships, grow in confidence, develop pathways towards education and employment and grow their social networks.  They really are taking steps towards brighter tomorrows.

Overall the results are fantastic. These young people are now geared up to make an important contribution to society.

If you would like to talk to Break about referring a child or young person to this or one of our other services please contact us or email a referral to today.

Thinking about setting up your own SCSC service?

Read our 'How To' guides by following the link button below.