This is a space for Break's care experienced young people to raise awareness and share lived experiences to help others in their community and professionals supporting them.
Listen to the podcast
Welcome to the land of care leavers! We are a group of UK care-experienced young adults supported by the charity Break. We discuss the issues we think are important to show other care leavers they are not alone. We give ideas and understanding to anyone working with kids in and after care so they get the best chances to succeed. Subscribe so you don't miss an episode, series 2 focuses on careers for young people.
Thank you to the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation, Community Fund and Candour for funding the equipment, and Production Bureau for lending us a recording room. Your support enables the podcast to happen.

Real stories

"I didn't feel ready to leave care"
Tyler Jones*, 21, left care at 18 and was moved into one of Break’s Staying Close, Staying Connected flats. He shares his story.
Find us on Instagram
We co-produce Break's Instagram account, headed by Team Leader *Fiyn, 21. You'll find true stories, useful tips and information for care leavers, behind the scenes of Break's activities and special guest appearances from care experienced people from the wider community.

Participation and co-production

When young people have a voice and are involved in the decision making it can increase confidence and self-esteem, and encourage them to become active citizens in their own communities as they become adults.

In November 2019 the CoffeeBreak project was born and since then has been working to provide opportunities for our young people to discover their spark and develop some of the key skills that any employer is looking for.