We're proud of our children's homes
At Break our children’s homes are somewhere safe that children and young people can call home, with adult staff who nurture, care, look after and look out for them. We provide a home environment just like a small “family” for a maximum of four children and young people aged 7-18 who can’t live with their own families. Our homes create a warm and safe environment where children and young people can belong, begin to flourish and embrace their future with confidence and hope.
Children and young people who come to live in one of our children’s homes will have experienced neglect, abuse or trauma along with family and placement breakdowns. They are likely to have difficulty with attachment relationships and have developed challenging patterns of behaviour. Our fundamental belief is that children and young people need a place to contain and nurture them in order to begin to make sense of past hurt and attempt to develop in a healthy manner.
Stability and positive changes
It is through the quality of the relationships with staff and the commitment to their welfare and future that we seek to bring about stability and positive change to their lives. We offer many positive experiences and relationships to provide a basis for rebuilding self-worth.
Our homes offer an all-around approach to problems, providing support to their emotional, physical, educational, social and psychological wellbeing and development.

Helping young people on their journey
For many of our young people there is no prospect for a return home, so we work to equip them with the practical and social skills to enable them to establish themselves in more independent accommodation as they move towards adulthood. We help them to develop emotional resilience and resources to cope with life. If reunification with family is at all possible we will work actively to help this be successful and sustainable. The same approach is taken if there is a placement with an alternative family.
Our overall aim is to help young people on their life journey and to increase their positive life outcomes. Our efforts are ultimately geared towards enabling young people to live independently, but integrated into society, with relationships that will sustain and fulfil them. Longer term, we want our young people to have meaningful employment that will provide the financial means for them to enjoy a good standard of living.
A family home
Our children’s homes look like any other home in a street and has all the facilities of a family home, furnished to a high standard of comfort and appearance. The homes are large enough for both communal and private activities and have spaces for play, games, activities, relaxation, learning, meetings, sharing, washing, cooking, eating and many other things associated with community living. All of our homes are registered and regulated by Ofsted and we therefore maintain the appropriate standards and quality of care which we get inspected and rated against.
We have eight Children’s Homes which include two homes for young people with disabilities. We are hugely proud of the young people in our care and it is rewarding to know they feel cared for, safe and supported and have adults they trust and can talk to.
For the young people in our care we see the progress they are making every day. We celebrate these achievements as we appreciate that for our regions vulnerable we can take nothing for granted. When you support Break, you support the young people in our children’s homes. Your money helps us provide the extra experiences that many of us are fortunate enough to take for granted.

A privilege to support them
One of our young people has Autism and needs the support of two adults at all times. Before they lived in our home their anxiety prevented them from going out. Over many weeks, first swimming, then parks in the dark, then buying lunch from the local shop we have created success after success. They have become bolder so we are now planning further steps; a trip to a fun fair, school trip and bowling maybe even the first holiday (ever). This young person is amazing and our privilege is to support them.
Incredible journey
Another of our young people has been on an incredible journey. School used to be a place they would avoid and now they bring home so many awards we are running out of places to put them! They have made such an effort to go to clubs and try new things. Over the three years this young person has lived with us they have learnt to manage their emotions unlocking their potential to succeed.
Simon's story
Simon is a Residential Manager at one of Break’s intensive residential home which looks after one young person at a time, giving them complete wraparound care.

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