Our approach
At Break our work and approach is based upon relationships. We aim to work in a therapeutic way, providing containment and nurture.
Our practice is child-focused and based on understanding all behaviour as ways of communication.
This is a relationship based model that draws on attachment theory and brain development to help focus professionals and families on the key aspects of positive relationships, containment and reciprocity. This approach strengthens families understanding of each other and can support professionals to deepen their understanding of a young person’s behaviour
Social pedagogy
It believes that each person deserves to be treated with dignity, possess a unique inner richness and potential which we can help them unfold, to do so requires building meaningful and authentic relationships. Provides a holistic way to work with children and young people that supports their well-being learning and growth, we recognise their potential, qualities, strengths and interests.
This model of practice is based on sound therapeutic principles which promote positive behaviour strategies such as, consistency, de-escalation and behaviour analysis. Assists with designing individual strategies to reduce risks. It provides a selection of tools to support the understanding and analysis of behaviour, which in turn supports planning for positive behaviour. Roots and Fruits which encourages us to look at the young person’s experiences, Anxiety Mapping helps identify areas of both high and low anxiety and Individual Risk Management Plans for a detailed plan of how to support a young person consistently.
Signs of Safety
It is a strengths based approach and grounded in partnership and collaboration, understanding that networks of support are valued. It promotes honest communication about worries- building meaningful relationships to help build safety. Signs of Safety is a solution focused approach to child and family work. It assists us identify strengths to then use them to help reduce risks. What are we worried about? What is working well? And what needs to happen?