Close up of two teenagers laughing outside on a patch of grass. One wears a white t-shirt the other in a blue t-shirt. The latter has their arm on the other.



As a responsible organisation and charity (company limited by guarantee) Break has a wide range of accountabilities to meet.

Consequently Break has a governance programme which allows it to be both organised and operate effectively, as well as providing a resilient framework within which the decisions about Break’s growth and development can be made.


The role of the Board and Executive

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the long term direction of Break, ensuring that it has the resources it needs, meet its obligations and for monitoring its operations.

Direction setting is the particular responsibility of the Board itself.  Overseeing the execution of strategy and policy, and the scrutiny of resource management and operations.

The Executive will advise the Board by providing input based upon the experience of delivering Break’s services, as well as individual professional knowledge and access to sources of information.

The Executive will also advise the Board on considerations of law, regulation, risk and opportunity which should inform the decisions made by the Board.

Governance calendar

As part of our governance framework Break operates an annual cycle that drives direction setting and decision making, this includes:

  • Documenting the business plan and budget.
  • Running a programme of Board meetings, a set of supporting Committees and an AGM.

The Committees cover all aspects of Break’s operations to ensure sufficient rigour and oversight. 


The Care Committee

  • Provides effective scrutiny of safeguarding.
  • Evidences the impact and outcomes or our service delivery strategy.
  • Monitors standards provided by all of Break's services.
  • Receives regular information on occupancy levels and trends.
  • Considers proposals for new care services.
  • Stays informed of political, social and funding trends which may affect present and future Break activities and services.
  • Reviews of existing services as necessary.
  • Ensuring all services have a defined link with a Trustee.
  • Promotes and develops the involvement of young people and other service users at all levels within Break.

The Finance Committee

  • Ensures the financial health of the organisation.
  • Scrutinises risk management and financial policies and their application.
  • Provides oversight of remuneration and terms of service.
  • Provides oversight of audit and compliance.


The Commercial Services Committee

  • Scrutinises the Commercial Services business plan.
  • Scrutinises the operation of Break’s shops and fundraising activities against agreed business plans.
  • Explores developments in commercial strategies and activity.
  • Maximises the synergies and options to work together across all commercial activities.
  • Ensures Break’s commercial activities are conducted compliantly with best practice fundraising standards.

The Risk and Governance Committee

  • Explores development of Break's governance framework and makes recommendations to the board for any required changes
  • Assures that Break’s governance framework is followed.  
  • Scrutinises Break’s risk management strategy and associated policies.
  • Assures itself and the Board that current and potential risk exposures are being managed appropriately.
  • Assists the Board in defining acceptable risk across all service areas in Break.
  • Reviews and approves Break’s strategies and policies as appropriate and ensure a robust scrutiny and assurance process is in place across all Board sub-committees and the Executive.
  • Assures that Break adheres to Charity Commission regulations.