Our care pathway
Break is an innovative charity that provides hope and support for vulnerable children and young people. Based in East Anglia, we offer a ‘whole childhood’ service that represents exceptional commitment to the young people we work with and investment in their futures.
By choosing Break as a service provider, you not only reap the benefits of our experience and professionalism, but also our unique, life-long approach. This makes our offer exceptional value for money. You may be purchasing a single placement, but our support lasts forever.
Relationships are at the heart of what we do.
Our young people need strong relationships that enable them to grow and thrive and commissioners need care providers who fully understand their goals and priorities. We adapt our services to meet the requirements of both sides.
We may, for example, be engaged to work in a very specialist manner with a vulnerable young person who has experienced particularly complex trauma. As their situation stabilises and our work with them results in positive outcomes, we make sure we use the most appropriate approaches and methods according to individual needs to tailor our ongoing support - all whilst keenly supporting commissioners and ensuring value for money. At each stage of their pathway, costs are reduced for the commissioner and the young person is assured of continuity and support from care staff who really know them.
Our experience
We occupy a special position in the sector because of the innovative ways we use our charitable income. Our experience has enabled us to identify where there are gaps in the provision of care to vulnerable children, and develop the expertise to fill them. We can offer more opportunities and a greater range of experiences leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
Edge of care
- Disability Services – offering residential and community breaks to disabled children when they need them.
- Family Centre - offering therapeutic services to young people.
In care
- Fostering Services – offering families to children who cannot live with their birth families.
- Children’s Homes – providing a resilient home for young people who cannot live in a family (including those with disabilities).
- Volunteer Mentoring – one-to-one support for children and young people over substantial periods of time.
- Therapeutic Services – offering individually tailored support to children and young people which is sensitive to meet their unique and often complex needs.
Leaving care
- Emotional Wellbeing – supporting transitioning into everything from independent living to becoming a parent.
- Staying Connected – a pioneering, support service for care leavers moving into adulthood in all aspects of their lives – as a lifelong offer.
- Pathway to Work – offering valuable life skills and improving employment prospects through apprenticeships and work experience.
- Volunteer Mentoring – one-to-one support for young people once they have left care which can last for a long period of time.
The power of our approach.
The power of our approach is evident in the achievements and outcomes of young people.
The children and young people we support are excellently equipped for whatever hand life deals them, as demonstrated by everything from school attendance and results to their emotional and physical wellbeing. Our young people achieve incredible things and have bright futures ahead of them.