Our approach to care
Break is an innovative charity that provides hope and support for vulnerable children and young people.
Based in East Anglia, we offer a ‘whole childhood’ service that represents exceptional commitment to the young people we work with and investment in their futures.
Break's care strategy 2022-25
Our strategy for our work in care focuses on being local, delivering quality services, always adding value, and being ambitious for young people, Break's staff and the organisation as a whole.

Care pathway
Break’s holistic approach offers services that span every stage of childhood, with ongoing, lifelong support.
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Break has a governance programme which allows it to be both organised and operate effectively, as well as providing a resilient framework within which the decisions about Break’s growth and development can be made.
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Our Vision is to be the leading children’s care charity in East Anglia striving for the best outcomes for young people on the edge of care, in care and moving on from care.
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