You could foster if…. Busting myths on becoming a foster carer in Norfolk

11 Sep 2023

The number of children in foster care in the UK continues to rise, but despite this growing need, there remains a shortage of foster carers.

When we heard an incredible foster carer say "I wish I had known I would have been accepted sooner. I would have fostered years ago”, we knew we needed to cover this vital topic.

Many people think they can't foster when, in fact, they would be welcome to join Break's fostering families. If you can provide a loving and stable Norfolk home for a young person, have a heart full of compassion, a good support network and are in good health, then please get in touch with our team for an informal chat about your journey into fostering. You can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of East Anglia's foster children.

Norfolk charity caring for foster children through gentle embrace
Can I foster if I'm single, divorced, or from the LGBTQ+ community?

We welcome and celebrate people from all walks of life, and you'll join our fostering community with carers from a variety of different backgrounds. What matters is that you can give children who have already been through so much the unwavering care they need.

Can I foster if I don't own my own home?

It doesn't matter whether you’re renting, you’re in council accommodation, you live in a small flat or a huge mansion! What matters is that a child can have their own bedroom and you can provide a safe, long-term, happy and loving home.

Am I too young to foster? Am I too old to foster?

Recently we heard a foster carer say "I thought I couldn't foster because I'm 50 and live on my own". Whilst you need to be at least 25 years old to foster with Break, there is no upper age limit. What matters is that you can match the child’s energy and can provide a loving and safe home.

Can I foster if I have no experience with children?

You don’t need to have worked with children before or be a parent - we provide all the training and support you need to make sure you’re fully confident and comfortable. In some circumstances we may ask you to gain some experience with children as part of the application process but we can give some advice around this.

Can I foster if I'm unemployed?

Training and then caring for a child full-time will fill your days, and as a professional, vital role, foster carers are paid a fostering allowance.

Can I foster if I have my own children?

What great experience for fostering! We will look carefully at the needs of the child and your family during the process. We’ll make sure that it’s right for the whole family and we’ll support your children to help them navigate their new role as fostering siblings.

Can I foster if I've had my own difficult life challenges?

We know that adverse life experiences can lead to greater resilience and an understanding of others. Some of the best foster carers have used their own difficult experiences to motivate them and help their foster child flourish. You can have an informal, confidential chat with one of the team for their thoughts.

Can I foster if I have a disability?

We will treat you fairly and discuss your individual needs with you. What matters is that you can provide a child with all the consistent care they need.

Can I foster if I have a low income?

You don’t have to be wealthy to foster. You will need to be financially stable to give the child the consistency they need, and don’t forget, foster carers are paid to help with the additional expenses.

Can I foster and still work?

There are different types of fostering that mean you can still work and help care for a child, such as being a Support Foster Carer, where you provide short breaks for a child. This gives their carers some much-needed time for themselves and helps the young person to learn new and different relationships.

So if you fit any of the above criteria, live in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire and feel you could make a difference in a child's life, please explore a wealth of information about fostering with Break on our website or contact our team for an informal chat.