Mel's Story

27 Jul 2023

When she turned 18, Mel had to leave her foster home and went on to join Break’s Staying Close, Staying Connected service. After becoming settled in a new house, sharing with another young person, Mel was keen to look for work but wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. Through Break she gained work experience and is now on an 18-month apprenticeship in the charity’s HR team.

“When I first left foster care, I was anxious to even really leave the house or meet new people. Essentially, my room became my home,” explains Mel. “But Break found lots of different ways to try and help me come out of myself and this included helping me to explore what I wanted to do next. My Transition Worker mentioned an apprentice opportunity in the Staying Close, Staying Connected Team, and she helped encourage me to go for it. So I did the interview and I got it!”

"It’s great knowing that someone will always be there.”

For the next six months Mel was helping the Staying Close team liaise with those using the service, and she really enjoyed being able to connect with other young people and influence the way the service was run. “I wanted to help others like me get what they need from the service, and I was able to use my own experience to do this. I would meet with the young people and speak to them about how they were getting on and relay this back to the team. To start with this was a bit scary but the more I did it the more comfortable I got. I’d also help them look at improving the service and it was so great to be listened to and have my ideas heard.”

After finishing her six months, Mel heard of an apprenticeship in Break’s Human Resource’s team and, thanks to her new-found skills and confidence, she decided to go for it. “I really wasn’t sure if I’d get it, so I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to apply! Looking back at how I felt when I went for the role in the Staying Close team, it’s amazing to see how much my confidence has increased. I definitely think I’ve grown in this time. I can now easily go places and meet new people and get into conversations. I still get a bit anxious in big groups of people, but it’s something I’m working on.”

“In my past I struggled to trust people, but Break helped me realise that not everyone is there is to ruin your life. I have people around me now who do deliver on what they’re saying, and are there to listen to me and hear my thoughts and opinions on things.”

Talking about her day-to-day in the HR department, Mel says she does a bit of everything which is helping her gain an insight into how the department works. “I mostly make sure people’s personal information is to date and send any changes to payroll. I also get references and deal with P6’s. I’m learning a lot and it’s great to have a role with some responsibility.”

Alongside her apprenticeship she is studying for a Level 3 in Business National Diploma which she hopes will open up more opportunities for her, although at the moment she’s just taking it a day at a time and thinking about where she wants to go next.

Talking about what she’s gained working in apprenticeships Mel say’s as well as gaining more confidence in herself, her trust in people has increased. “In my past I struggled to trust people, but Break helped me realise that not everyone is there is to ruin your life. I have people around me now who do deliver on what they’re saying, and are there to listen to me and hear my thoughts and opinions on things.”

Mel now has her own flat and is paying her own rent and feels much more ready to become independent, but she knows that support it always there when she needs it. “I can see now what they mean by their lifelong offer. When I first joined Break, I thought that once my two years were up that would be it. But that’s not been the case. They helped me get my first job, then my second and I know that after this that I’ll be 100% more set to move on, but still with the support of my Transition Worker when I need it. It’s great knowing that someone will always be there.”