We are an ambitious organisation - ambitious for the young people and families we work with, for our colleagues and for our charity and what we can achieve when we work together.
Our Impact Report highlights examples of the difference we have made to young people's lives, not only their present but also their future.
We are clearer than ever about where we are going, what we want to achieve and how young people are at the very centre of all our decisions and activity. Our work falls under four headings: Relationships, Excellence, Ambitious and Added Value.
Moving forward we will continue to support young people to tell their stories, continue rolling out our expertise in trauma informed practice, challenge policy and strive for better outcomes for those with care experience

The Break approach...

...Our impact on our young people

Going above and beyond
Break offers individual, holistic support to enable young people to move beyond the trauma they have experienced. A comparison with national statistics demonstrates that Break’s approach is effective.
People who grow up in the care system are...

1 in 4
of the homeless population

1 in 4
of the prison population

times more likely to become pregnant than other teenagers

*Who Cares? The link between leaving care and homelessness | **Office for National Statistics | ***Centre for Social Justice