Transform young lives by fostering with Break.
A not-for-profit fostering agency dedicated to providing loving homes and enriching children’s lives across Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire.
When you join Break as a foster carer, you’ll not only be giving a child who is unable to stay with their own family, somewhere safe, stable and loving to live, you’ll be joining a charity that always puts you and your family first.
As a not-for-profit organisation, all our funding goes towards ensuring both you and your child the best possible care and opportunities for growth. When you foster with us, you’ll give you full ongoing therapeutic training, a dedicated social worker, monthly funding and all the help and support you need so you’re never alone on this incredible journey.
We know the decision to open your home and your heart to someone starts with a conversation. So whether you’ve fostered for years and are looking to transfer to us, or just curious about whether fostering could be for you, our team are always on hand to answer any questions.
Supporting your first steps into fostering. Become a foster carer and receive a £1000 Thank-You Grant* as our way of showing appreciation for the incredible role you play in transforming young lives. This grant is here to help you settle into fostering and focus on what matters most – providing love and support to the child in your care.
Parent and child fostering
Open your home for a short time to a parent and child, empowering them to reach their full potential and provide a stable environment for their child to thrive.
Long-term fostering
In this rewarding role you will nurture and support children who are unable to live with their families.
Support foster care
Support foster carers play a key part in Break’s fostering family. You’ll be matched with a foster family and will provide short breaks for the child in their care.

Are you already fostering but looking to move?
Curious about how Break does fostering a little differently?
You have the right to transfer to another fostering agency for any reason, and it’s a straightforward process that we can help you through. You can also transfer with a child you're already caring for, and we’ll work with you to ensure their well-being comes first.
As a not-for-profit agency, we reinvest in you and the child in your care.
Find out more and get in touch for a confidential chat.
Contact us
Our team are always on hand to discuss becoming a foster carer in East Anglia, whether you want to transfer foster agencies, are ready to apply or simply curious about whether fostering could be for you.

Fostering news and stories

National Care Leavers Week 2024
07 Oct 2024
This Care Leavers Week we want to focus on young people who have left care through fostering and the positive impact it has had on them.

'My future is bright thanks to my foster parents'
22 May 2024
BBC News: Break foster carers Clive and Kel were matched with Michael when he was eight years old. Now 15 and settled with his foster family, he says he can look to the future.

You could foster if…. Busting myths on becoming a foster carer in Norfolk
11 Sep 2023
Can you foster if: You’re single, married, divorced, from the LGBTQ+ community? You don't own your own home? You’ve don't have experience with children? You’re unemployed? You have a disability? You work? How old do you have to be to foster? Find out all of this and more with Break's Norfolk fostering service.
*Thank-You Grant T&Cs
As a new foster carer to Break you will receive the £1000.00 Thank-You Grant in two installments:
£500 one month after the child moves in with you.
£500 six months after they have remained actively in your foster care through Break.
Payments are subject to successful fostering approval. This offer is subject to review and may be amended at any time.